Mi DEVICE ARE great, but the way this phone handles notifications is terrible. Most apps are set to not pop a notification or a sound by default, and that just blows my mind. And even when you do enable lock screen / floating notifications + sound manually for each app you install, some of them like Telegram or Android Messages still don't do it!
Has Xiaomi acknowledged these issues and are there any plans to fix this in an upcoming update? if you don't know here is the Fix !
JUST install the apk : https://github.com/FabioCZ/NotificationRepeater/releases/tag/1.1.1
Thats it !
- Add instructions for enabling notifications
- Adds ability to trigger test notifications
- Add few more icons
- In-app list will redraw on notification
- Vibration/light/floating notifs will now work
- Signed with a release key to hopefully make sure that Google Play Protect won't get on my case
- Make it so app can be installed on Android 8.0
Let me know if you have any issues. Hope the app is useful!
edit: minor update 1.1 -> 1.1.1
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